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2014 г.-н.в. НИТУ “МИСиС”, ведущий эксперт кафедры теоретической физики и квантовых технологий.
МИСиС, бакалавриат, магистратура, аспирантура.
Индекс Хирша по Scopus — 4.
Количество статей по Scopus — 13.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6943- 4427.
ResearcherID: I-6291-2015.
Scopus AuthorID: 36643977600.
- Kheyfets, Boris, Sergei Mukhin, and Timur Galimzyanov. “Origin of Lipid Tilt in Flat Monolayers and Bilayers.” Physical Review E 100, no. 6 (December 9, 2019): 062405. Link.
- Kheyfets, Boris, Timur Galimzyanov, and Sergei Mukhin. “Lipid Lateral Self-Diffusion Drop at Liquid-Gel Phase Transition.” Physical Review E 99, no. 1 (January 16, 2019): 012414. Link.
- Kheyfets, B., T. Galimzyanov, and S. Mukhin. “Microscopic Description of the Thermodynamics of a Lipid Membrane at a Liquid—Gel Phase Transition.” JETP Letters 107, no. 11 (June 1, 2018):
718–24. Link. - Kheyfets, Boris, Timur Galimzyanov, Anna Drozdova, and Sergei Mukhin. “Analytical Calculation of the Lipid Bilayer Bending Modulus.” Physical Review E 94, no. 4 (October 18, 2016): 042415. Link.
- Kheyfets, B. B., and S. I. Mukhin. “Simple Model of Local Ordering of DPPC Lipids in Contact With Cholesterol.” Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology 32, no. 1 (2015):
3–10. Link. - Kheyfets, B. B., and S. I. Mukhin. “Area per Lipid in DPPC-Cholesterol Bilayers: Analytical Approach.” ArXiv:1501.02727 [Cond-Mat], January 12, 2015. Link.
- Mukhin, S. I., and B. B. Kheyfets. “Pore Formation Phase Diagrams for Lipid Membranes.” JETP Letters 99, no. 6 (May 1, 2014):
358–62. Link. - Kheyfets, B. B., and S. I. Mukhin. “Entropic Part of the Boundary Energy in a Lipid Membrane.” Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology 5, no. 4 (December 27, 2011):
392–99. Link. - Mukhin, Sergei I., and Boris B. Kheyfets. “Analytical Approach to Thermodynamics of Bolalipid Membranes.” Physical Review E 82, no. 5 (November 1, 2010): 051901. Link.
- Mukhin, S. I., and B. B. Kheyfets. “Analytical Derivation of Thermodynamic Properties of Bilayer Membrane with Interdigitation.” Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology 4, no. 3 (September 1, 2010):
309–18. Link. - Векилов, Ю.Х., И.А. Иванов, Ю.Л. Матвеева, Ю.М. Кузьмин, Б.Б. Хейфец, М.А. Черников, Е.В. Шамров, and С.И. Мухин. Электронная теория металлов: сборник задач. Издательский дом МИСиС, 2013.
2011 г. Электродинамика (семинары, полсеместра, МИСиС).
2012 г. Теоретическая механика (семинары, полный семестр, МИСиС).
2013 г. Python [NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib] (факультатив для лаборатории Устинова).