
  • E.A. Naumova, S.O. Rogachev, R.V. Sundeev. Effect of severe plastic deformations on structure features and mechanical behavior of Al4Ca intermetallic in Al-18% Ca alloy // Journal of Alloys and Compounds.—2021.—V. 854.—P. 157117
  • V.M. Khatkevich, S.O. Rogachev, S.A. Nikulin, E.N. Tokmakova. Structure and Mechanical Properties of a Layered Composite Based on Fe-Cr-V Alloy and High-Nitrogen High-Chromium Steel after Hot Pressing and Annealing // Metals and Materials International.—2021
  • S.O. Rogachev, V.A. Andreev, V.S. Yusupov, S.A. Bondareva, V.M. Hatkevich, E.V. Nikolaev. Effect of rotary forging on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy / copper bimetallic material // Metals and Materials International.—2021